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1 Chronicles 4:18
Isteri Mered yang lain seorang perempuan Yehuda melahirkan Yered bapa Gedor Heber bapa Sokho dan Yekutiel bapa Zanoah
<802> <3057> <3205> <853> <3382> <1> <1446> <853> <2268> <1> <7755> <853> <3354> <1> <2182> <428> <1121> <1332> <1323> <6547> <834> <3947> <4778> <0>
AV: And his wife <0802> Jehudijah <03057> bare <03205> (8804) Jered <03382> the father <01> of Gedor <01446>, and Heber <02268> the father <01> of Socho <07755>, and Jekuthiel <03354> the father <01> of Zanoah <02182>. And these [are] the sons <01121> of Bithiah <01332> the daughter <01323> of Pharaoh <06547>, which Mered <04778> took <03947> (8804). {Jehudijah: or, the Jewess}