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2 Kings 22:14
Lalu pergilah Imam Hilkia Ahikam Akhbor Safan dan Asaya kepada nabiah Hulda isteri Salum anak Tikwa anak Harhas pengurus pakaian ibadat Nabiah itu tinggal di Yerusalem di perkampungan baru Mereka pun berbicara dengannya
<1980> <2518> <3548> <296> <5907> <8227> <6222> <413> <2468> <5031> <802> <7967> <1121> <8616> <1121> <2745> <8104> <899> <1931> <3427> <3389> <4932> <1696> <413>
AV: So Hilkiah <02518> the priest <03548>, and Ahikam <0296>, and Achbor <05907>, and Shaphan <08227>, and Asahiah <06222>, went <03212> (8799) unto Huldah <02468> the prophetess <05031>, the wife <0802> of Shallum <07967> the son <01121> of Tikvah <08616>, the son <01121> of Harhas <02745>, keeper <08104> (8802) of the wardrobe <0899>; (now she dwelt <03427> (8802) in Jerusalem <03389> in the college <04932>;) and they communed <01696> (8762) with her. {wardrobe: Heb. garments} {in the...: or, in the second part}
2 Chronicles 34:22
Lalu pergilah Hilkia dengan orang suruhan raja itu kepada Nabiah Hulda isteri Salum anak Tokhat anak Hasra pengurus pakaian-pakaian ibadat Nabiah itu tinggal di Yerusalem di perkampungan baru Mereka pun berbicara kepadanya seperti yang diperintahkan
<1980> <2518> <834> <4428> <413> <2468> <5031> <802> <7967> <1121> <8445> <1121> <2641> <8104> <899> <1931> <3427> <3389> <4932> <1696> <413> <2063> <0>
AV: And Hilkiah <02518>, and [they] that the king <04428> [had appointed], went <03212> (8799) to Huldah <02468> the prophetess <05031>, the wife <0802> of Shallum <07967> the son <01121> of Tikvath <08616> (8676) <08445>, the son <01121> of Hasrah <02641>, keeper <08104> (8802) of the wardrobe <0899>; (now she dwelt <03427> (8802) in Jerusalem <03389> in the college <04932>:) and they spake <01696> (8762) to her to that [effect]. {Hasrah: also called, Harhas} {wardrobe: Heb. garments} {in the college: or, in the school, or, in the second part}