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Strong#:677 // aproskopov aproskopos
Orig:adj // from \\1\\ (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of \\4350\\
NASB:==>blameless(2), no offense(1).
AV=3==>void of offense 1, none offence 1, without offence 1
 1) having nothing to strike against, not causing to stumble
    1a) of a smooth road
    1b) metaph. of not leading others to sin by one's mode of life
 2) not striking against or stumbling
    2a) metaph. not led into sin, blameless
 3) without offense, not troubled by a consciousness of sin
    NASB:  not causing to stumble, not stumbling:

Total: 3
tidak bersalah1·
Jagalah tingkah lakumu1·

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