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Strong#:4724 // stellw stello
Orig:v // probably strengthened from the base of \\2476\\
NASB:==>keep away(1), taking precaution(1).
AV=2==>avoid 1, withdraw (one's) self 1
 1) to set, place, set in order, arrange
    1a) to fit out, to prepare, equip
    1b) to prepare one's self, to fit out for one's self
    1c) to fit out for one's own use
    1d) to prepare one's self, to fit out for one's self
    1e) to fit out for one's own use
        1e1) arranging, providing for this, etc.
 2) to bring together, contract, shorten
    2a) to diminish, check, cause to cease
    2b) to cease to exist
    2c) to remove one's self, withdraw one's self, to depart
    2d) to abstain from familiar intercourse with one
    NASB:  to arrange, prepare, gather up, hence to restrain:

Total: 2
supaya menjauhkan diri1·

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