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Strong#:3032 // libertinov Libertinos
Orig:n m // of Latin origin
AV=1==>Libertine 1
 1) one who has been liberated from slavery, a freedman, or the
    son of a freed man
 2) Libertine, denotes Jews (according to Philo) who had been made
    captives of the Romans under Pompey but were afterwards set free;
    and who although they had fixed their abode in Rome, had built at
    their own expense a synagogue at Jerusalem which they frequented
    when in that city, The name Libertines adhered to them to
    distinguish them from free born Jews who had subsequently taken up
    their residence at Rome. Evidence seems to have been discovered of
    the existence of a "synagogue of the Libertines" at Pompeii.
    NASB:  Freedman, the name of a synagogue:

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