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Strong#:2542 // Kaisereia Kaisereia
Orig:n pr loc // from \\2541\\
AV=17==>Caesarea (of Palestine) 15, Caesarea (Philippi) 2
 Caesarea = "severed"

 1) Caesarea of Philippi was situated at the foot of Lebanon near the
    sources of the Jordan in Gaulanitis, and formerly called Paneas;
    but afterward being rebuilt by Philip the tetrarch, it was called
    by him Caesarea, in honour of Tiberias Caesar; subsequently called
    Neronias by Agrippa II, in honour of Nero.
 2) Caesarea of Palestine was built near the Mediterranean by Herod
    the Great on the site of Strabo's Tower, between Joppa and Dora.
    It was provided with a magnificent harbour and had conferred upon
    it the name of Caesarea, in honour of Augustus.  It was the
    residence of Roman procurators, and the majority of its
    inhabitants were Greeks.
    NASB:  Caesarea, the name of two cities in Pal.:

Total: 17
Kaisarea17·········· ·······

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