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KJV : So <1161> when <3752> this <5124> corruptible <5349> shall have put on <1746> (5672) incorruption <861>, and <2532> this <5124> mortal <2349> shall have put on <1746> (5672) immortality <110>, then <5119> shall be brought to pass <1096> (5695) the saying <3056> that is written <1125> (5772), Death <2288> is swallowed up <2666> (5681) in <1519> victory <3534>.
NASB : But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, "DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory.
NASB# : But when<3752> this<3778> perishable<5349> will have put<1746> on the imperishable<861>, and this<3778> mortal<2349> will have put<1746> on immortality<110>, then<5119> will come<1096> about the saying<3056> that is written<1125>, "DEATH<2288> IS SWALLOWED<2666> UP in victory<3534>.
when 115, as soon as 2 [particle; 122]
but 1237, and 934 [conj; 2870]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
mortal 5, mortality + \\3588\\ 1 [adj; 6]
this 199, therefore + \\1223\\ 44 [pron; 317]
put on 18, clothed with 2 [v; 29]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
immortality 3 [n f; 3]
then 149, that time 4 [adv; 159]
be 255, come to pass 82 [v; 678]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
word 218, saying 50 [n m; 330]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
write 206, writing 1 [v; 209]
swallow 4, swallow 1 [v; 7]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
death 117, deadly 2 [n m; 119]
into 573, to 281 [prep; 1774]
victory 4 [n n; 4]