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KJV : For <1063> the earnest expectation <603> of the creature <2937> waiteth <553> (5736) for the manifestation <602> of the sons <5207> of God <2316>.
NASB : For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.
NASB# : For the anxious<603> longing<603> of the creation<2937> waits<553> eagerly<553> for the revealing<602> of the sons<5207> of God<2316>.
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
for 1027, misc 28 [conj; 1067]
earnest expectation 2 [n f; 2]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
creature 11, creation 6 [n f; 19]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
revelation 12, be revealed 2 [n f; 18]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
son(s) 85, Son of Man + \\444\\ 87 [n m; 382]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
God 1320, god 13 [n m; 1343]
wait for 5, look for 2 [v; 7]