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KJV : And <2532> let <1994> (0) him that is <5607> (5752) in <1519> the field <68> not <3361> turn <1519> <1994> (0) back <3694> again <1994> (5657) for to take up <142> (5658) his <846> garment <2440>.
NASB : and the one who is in the field must not turn back to get his coat.
NASB# : <R>and the one<3739> who<3588> is in the field<68> must not turn<1994> back<3694><1994> to get<142> his coat<2440>.</R>
and 8173, also 514 [conj; 9251]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
into 573, to 281 [prep; 1774]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
field 22, country 8 [n m; 36]
not 486, no 44 [particle; 673]
turn 16, be converted 6 [v; 39]
into 573, to 281 [prep; 1774]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
after 22, behind 6 [adv; 36]
take up 32, take away 25 [v; 102]
which 413, who 79 [article; 543]
garment 30, raiment 12 [n n; 62]
him 1952, his 1084 [pron; 5787]