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Revelation 14:20
Pengirik itu diinjak di luar kota lalu darah mengalir keluar setinggi kekang kuda dan sejauh dua ratus batu
<2532> <3961> <3588> <3025> <1855> <3588> <4172> <2532> <1831> <129> <1537> <3588> <3025> <891> <3588> <5469> <3588> <2462> <575> <4712> <5507> <1812>
AV: And <2532> the winepress <3025> was trodden <3961> (5681) without <1854> the city <4172>, and <2532> blood <129> came <1831> (5627) out of <1537> the winepress <3025>, even unto <891> the horse <2462> bridles <5469>, by the space of <575> a thousand <5507> [and] six hundred <1812> furlongs <4712>.