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Revelation 12:17
Naga itu amat marah terhadap perempuan itu lalu pergi memerangi anak-anaknya yang lain yang taat kepada perintah Allah dan mempunyai kesaksian Yesus Kristus
<2532> <3710> <3588> <1404> <1909> <3588> <1135> <2532> <565> <4160> <4171> <3326> <3588> <3062> <3588> <4690> <846> <3588> <5083> <3588> <1785> <3588> <2316> <2532> <2192> <3588> <3141> <2424>
AV: And <2532> the dragon <1404> was wroth <3710> (5681) with <1909> the woman <1135>, and <2532> went <565> (5627) to make <4160> (5658) war <4171> with <3326> the remnant <3062> of her <846> seed <4690>, which <3588> keep <5083> (5723) the commandments <1785> of God <2316>, and <2532> have <2192> (5723) the testimony <3141> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.
Revelation 13:2
Binatang itu kelihatan seperti harimau bintang tetapi kakinya seperti kaki beruang dan mulutnya seperti mulut singa Naga itu memberi binatang itu kuasa dan takhtanya serta kekuasaan yang besar
<2532> <3588> <2342> <3739> <1492> <1510> <3664> <3917> <2532> <3588> <4228> <846> <5613> <715> <2532> <3588> <4750> <846> <5613> <4750> <3023> <2532> <1325> <846> <3588> <1404> <3588> <1411> <846> <2532> <3588> <2362> <846> <2532> <1849> <3173>
AV: And <2532> the beast <2342> which <3739> I saw <1492> (5627) was <2258> (5713) like <3664> unto a leopard <3917>, and <2532> his <846> feet <4228> were as <5613> [the feet] of a bear <715>, and <2532> his <846> mouth <4750> as <5613> the mouth <4750> of a lion <3023>: and <2532> the dragon <1404> gave <1325> (5656) him <846> his <846> power <1411>, and <2532> his <846> seat <2362>, and <2532> great <3173> authority <1849>.