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Revelation 12:9
Dengan demikian tersingkirlah naga besar itu ular purba yang bernama Iblis atau Syaitan yang memperdaya umat manusia Ia dan semua malaikatnya dibuang ke bumi
<2532> <906> <3588> <1404> <3588> <3173> <3588> <3789> <3588> <744> <3588> <2564> <1228> <2532> <3588> <4567> <3588> <4105> <3588> <3625> <3650> <906> <1519> <3588> <1093> <2532> <3588> <32> <846> <3326> <846> <906>
AV: And <2532> the great <3173> dragon <1404> was cast out <906> (5681), that old <744> serpent <3789>, called <2564> (5746) the Devil <1228>, and <2532> Satan <4567>, which <3588> deceiveth <4105> (5723) the whole <3650> world <3625>: he was cast out <906> (5681) into <1519> the earth <1093>, and <2532> his <846> angels <32> were cast out <906> (5681) with <3326> him <846>.