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Revelation 11:11
Selepas tiga hari setengah roh hayat daripada Allah memasuki mereka lalu mereka bangkit berdiri Sekalian yang melihatnya amat ketakutan
<2532> <3326> <3588> <5140> <2250> <2532> <2255> <4151> <2222> <1537> <3588> <2316> <1525> <1722> <846> <2532> <2476> <1909> <3588> <4228> <846> <2532> <5401> <3173> <1968> <1909> <3588> <2334> <846>
AV: And <2532> after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> and <2532> an half <2255> the Spirit <4151> of life <2222> from <1537> God <2316> entered <1525> (5627) into <1909> them <846>, and <2532> they stood <2476> (5627) upon <1909> their <846> feet <4228>; and <2532> great <3173> fear <5401> fell <4098> (5627) upon <1909> them which saw <2334> (5723) them <846>.