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Revelation 9:4
Belalang itu ditegah merosakkan rumput di bumi pokok-pokok dan tumbuh-tumbuhan lain tugasnya menyerang manusia yang tidak mempunyai tanda materai Allah di dahinya
<2532> <4483> <846> <2443> <3361> <91> <3588> <5528> <3588> <1093> <3761> <3956> <5515> <3761> <3956> <1186> <1487> <3361> <3588> <444> <3748> <3756> <2192> <3588> <4973> <3588> <2316> <1909> <3588> <3359>
AV: And <2532> it was commanded <4483> (5681) them <846> that <3363> (0) they should <91> (0) not <3363> hurt <91> (5661) the grass <5528> of the earth <1093>, neither <3761> any <3956> green thing <5515>, neither <3761> any <3956> tree <1186>; but <1508> only <3441> those men <444> which <3748> have <2192> (5719) not <3756> the seal <4973> of God <2316> in <1909> their <846> foreheads <3359>.
Revelation 17:5
Pada dahinya tertulis suatu nama rahsia Babel Yang Agung Ibu Segala Pelacur Dan Kelucahan Di Bumi
<2532> <1909> <3588> <3359> <846> <3686> <1125> <3466> <897> <3588> <3173> <3588> <3384> <3588> <4204> <2532> <3588> <946> <3588> <1093>
AV: And <2532> upon <1909> her <846> forehead <3359> [was] a name <3686> written <1125> (5772), MYSTERY <3466>, BABYLON <897> THE GREAT <3173>, THE MOTHER <3384> OF HARLOTS <4204> AND <2532> ABOMINATIONS <946> OF THE EARTH <1093>. {harlots: or, fornications}