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Jude 1:15
Dia akan menghakimi seluruh umat manusia dan menghukum orang yang derhaka kerana perbuatan durjana mereka dan juga semua caci nista orang yang berdosa terhadap-Nya
<4160> <2920> <2596> <3956> <2532> <1651> <3956> <3588> <765> <4012> <3956> <3588> <2041> <763> <846> <3739> <764> <2532> <4012> <3956> <3588> <4642> <3739> <2980> <2596> <846> <268> <765>
AV: To execute <4160> (5658) judgment <2920> upon <2596> all <3956>, and <2532> to convince <1827> (5658) all <3956> that are ungodly <765> among them <846> of <4012> all <3956> their <846> ungodly <763> deeds <2041> which <3739> they have ungodly committed <764> (5656), and <2532> of <4012> all <3956> their hard <4642> [speeches] which <3739> ungodly <765> sinners <268> have spoken <2980> (5656) against <2596> him <846>.