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2 John 1:8
Oleh yang demikian berhati-hatilah supaya apa yang telah kami usahakan tidak lenyap begitu sahaja melainkan kamu mendapat ganjaranmu sepenuhnya
<991> <1438> <2443> <3361> <622> <3739> <2038> <235> <3408> <4134> <618>
AV: Look <991> (5720) to yourselves <1438>, that <3363> (0) we lose <622> (5661) not <3363> those things which <3739> we have wrought <2038> (5662), but <235> that we receive <618> (5632) a full <4134> reward <3408>. {wrought: or, gained, some copies read, ye have gained, but that ye, etc.}