Back to #1265

2 Peter 3:4
mereka akan berkata Manakah kedatangan-Nya yang dijanjikan itu Nenek moyang kita sudah tiada tetapi segala-galanya berterusan seperti sejak alam mula dicipta
<2532> <3004> <4226> <1510> <3588> <1860> <3588> <3952> <846> <575> <3739> <1063> <3588> <3962> <2837> <3956> <3779> <1265> <575> <746> <2937>
AV: And <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Where <4226> is <2076> (5748) the promise <1860> of his <846> coming <3952>? for <1063> since <575> <3739> the fathers <3962> fell asleep <2837> (5681), all things <3956> continue <3779> <1265> (5719) as [they were] from <575> the beginning <746> of the creation <2937>.