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Hebrews 10:2
Andainya dapat tidakkah persembahan itu dihentikan Sekiranya orang yang beribadat itu telah disucikan mereka tidaklah berasa diri mereka berdosa lagi
<1893> <3756> <302> <3973> <4374> <1223> <3588> <3367> <2192> <2089> <4893> <266> <3588> <3000> <530> <2511>
AV: For then <1893> would they <302> not <3756> have ceased <3973> (5668) to be offered <4374> (5746)? because <1223> that the worshippers <3000> (5723) once <530> purged <2508> (5772) should have had <2192> (5721) no <3367> more <2089> conscience <4893> of sins <266>. {would...: or, they would have ceased to be offered, because, etc.}