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Hebrews 9:4
Di situ terdapat mazbah perasapan emas tabut perjanjian yang bersalut emas bokor emas yang berisi manna tongkat Harun yang bertunas dan loh-loh perjanjian
<5552> <2192> <2369> <2532> <3588> <2787> <3588> <1242> <4028> <3840> <5553> <1722> <3739> <4713> <5552> <2192> <3588> <3131> <2532> <3588> <4464> <2> <3588> <985> <2532> <3588> <4109> <3588> <1242>
AV: Which had <2192> (5723) the golden <5552> censer <2369>, and <2532> the ark <2787> of the covenant <1242> overlaid <4028> (5772) round about <3840> with gold <5553>, wherein <1722> <3739> [was] the golden <5552> pot <4713> that had <2192> (5723) manna <3131>, and <2532> Aaron's <2> rod <4464> that budded <985> (5660), and <2532> the tables <4109> of the covenant <1242>;