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Titus 3:15
Semua saudara yang bersamaku berkirim salam kepada sahabat-sahabat seiman Semoga kasih kurnia menyertai kamu semua
<782> <4571> <3588> <3326> <1700> <3956> <782> <3588> <5368> <2248> <1722> <4102> <3588> <5485> <3326> <3956> <5216>
AV: All <3956> that are with <3326> me <1700> salute <782> (5736) thee <4571>. Greet <782> (5663) them that love <5368> (5723) us <2248> in <1722> the faith <4102>. Grace <5485> [be] with <3326> you <5216> all <3956>. Amen <281>. <<[It was written <1125> (5648) to <4314> Titus <5103>, ordained <5500> (5685) the first <4413> bishop <1985> of the church <1577> of the Cretians <2912>, from <575> Nicopolis <3533> of Macedonia <3109>.]>>