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Ephesians 4:18
Akibatnya daya pengertian mereka dimalapkan dan diri mereka tersisih daripada kehidupan Allah kerana kejahilan mereka kerana kedegilan hati mereka
<4656> <3588> <1271> <1510> <526> <3588> <2222> <3588> <2316> <1223> <3588> <52> <3588> <1510> <1722> <846> <1223> <3588> <4457> <3588> <2588> <846>
AV: Having the understanding <1271> darkened <4654> (5772), being <5607> (5752) alienated <526> (5772) from the life <2222> of God <2316> through <1223> the ignorance <52> that is <5607> (5752) in <1722> them <846>, because <1223> of the blindness <4457> of their <846> heart <2588>: {blindness: or, hardness}