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Ephesians 4:14
Maka kita tidaklah lagi berupa kanak-kanak dipukul ombak dan ditiup ke sana ke mari oleh setiap angin pengajaran orang tipu daya manusia dan putar belit muslihat jahat
<2443> <3371> <1510> <3516> <2831> <2532> <4064> <3956> <417> <3588> <1319> <1722> <3588> <2940> <3588> <444> <1722> <3834> <4314> <3588> <3180> <3588> <4106>
AV: That <2443> we [henceforth] be <5600> (5753) no more <3371> children <3516>, tossed to and fro <2831> (5740), and <2532> carried about with <4064> (5746) every <3956> wind <417> of doctrine <1319>, by <1722> the sleight <2940> of men <444>, [and] cunning craftiness <1722> <3834>, whereby <4314> they lie in wait <3180> to deceive <4106>;