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Galatians 2:12
Sebelum beberapa orang datang daripada Yakobus Petrus makan bersama bangsa asing Akan tetapi apabila mereka datang dia berundur dan mengasingkan diri disebabkan takut akan orang yang berpegang kepada persunatan
<4253> <3588> <1063> <2064> <5100> <575> <2385> <3326> <3588> <1484> <4906> <3753> <1161> <2064> <5288> <2532> <873> <1438> <5399> <3588> <1537> <4061>
AV: For <1063> before <4253> that certain <5100> came <2064> (5629) from <575> James <2385>, he did eat <4906> (5707) with <3326> the Gentiles <1484>: but <1161> when <3753> they were come <2064> (5627), he withdrew <5288> (5707) and <2532> separated <873> (5707) himself <1438>, fearing <5399> (5740) them which were of <1537> the circumcision <4061>.