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1 Corinthians 15:54
Setelah ini berlaku terbuktilah firman Maut telah ditelan dalam kemenangan
<3752> <1161> <3588> <2349> <5124> <1746> <3588> <110> <5119> <1096> <3588> <3056> <3588> <1125> <2666> <3588> <2288> <1519> <3534>
AV: So <1161> when <3752> this <5124> corruptible <5349> shall have put on <1746> (5672) incorruption <861>, and <2532> this <5124> mortal <2349> shall have put on <1746> (5672) immortality <110>, then <5119> shall be brought to pass <1096> (5695) the saying <3056> that is written <1125> (5772), Death <2288> is swallowed up <2666> (5681) in <1519> victory <3534>.