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1 Corinthians 15:26
Musuh terakhir yang akan dilenyapkan ialah Maut
<2078> <2190> <2673> <3588> <2288>
AV: The last <2078> enemy <2190> [that] shall be destroyed <2673> (5743) [is] death <2288>.
1 Corinthians 15:54
Setelah ini berlaku terbuktilah firman Maut telah ditelan dalam kemenangan
<3752> <1161> <3588> <2349> <5124> <1746> <3588> <110> <5119> <1096> <3588> <3056> <3588> <1125> <2666> <3588> <2288> <1519> <3534>
AV: So <1161> when <3752> this <5124> corruptible <5349> shall have put on <1746> (5672) incorruption <861>, and <2532> this <5124> mortal <2349> shall have put on <1746> (5672) immortality <110>, then <5119> shall be brought to pass <1096> (5695) the saying <3056> that is written <1125> (5772), Death <2288> is swallowed up <2666> (5681) in <1519> victory <3534>.
1 Corinthians 15:55
Wahai Maut di manakah kemenanganmu Wahai Maut di manakah sengatmu
<4226> <4675> <2288> <3588> <3534> <4226> <4675> <2288> <3588> <2759>
AV: O death <2288>, where <4226> [is] thy <4675> sting <2759>? O grave <86>, where <4226> [is] thy <4675> victory <3534>? {grave: or, hell}
1 Corinthians 15:55
Wahai Maut di manakah kemenanganmu Wahai Maut di manakah sengatmu
<4226> <4675> <2288> <3588> <3534> <4226> <4675> <2288> <3588> <2759>
AV: O death <2288>, where <4226> [is] thy <4675> sting <2759>? O grave <86>, where <4226> [is] thy <4675> victory <3534>? {grave: or, hell}
Revelation 6:8
Aku melihat seekor kuda berwarna pucat Penunggangnya bernama Maut dan Alam Maut mengekorinya Mereka diberi kuasa membunuh seperempat penghuni bumi melalui peperangan kebuluran wabak penyakit dan serangan binatang buas
<2532> <3708> <2532> <2400> <2462> <5515> <2532> <3588> <2521> <1883> <846> <3686> <846> <3588> <2288> <2532> <3588> <86> <190> <3326> <846> <2532> <1325> <846> <1849> <1909> <3588> <5067> <3588> <1093> <615> <1722> <4501> <2532> <1722> <3042> <2532> <1722> <2288> <2532> <5259> <3588> <2342> <3588> <1093>
AV: And <2532> I looked <1492> (5627), and <2532> behold <2400> (5628) a pale <5515> horse <2462>: and <2532> his <846> name <3686> that sat <2521> (5740) on <1883> him <846> was Death <2288>, and <2532> Hell <86> followed <190> (5719) with <3326> him <846>. And <2532> power <1849> was given <1325> (5681) unto them <846> over <1909> the fourth part <5067> of the earth <1093>, to kill <615> (5658) with <1722> sword <4501>, and <2532> with <1722> hunger <3042>, and <2532> with <1722> death <2288>, and <2532> with <5259> the beasts <2342> of the earth <1093>. {unto them: or, to him}
Revelation 20:13
Laut menyerahkan orang mati yang di dalamnya Maut dan Alam Maut menyerahkan orang mati yang di dalamnya Semuanya dihakimi menurut perbuatan masing-masing
<2532> <1325> <3588> <2281> <3588> <3498> <3588> <1722> <846> <2532> <3588> <2288> <2532> <3588> <86> <1325> <3588> <3498> <3588> <1722> <846> <2532> <2919> <1538> <2596> <3588> <2041> <846>
AV: And <2532> the sea <2281> gave up <1325> (5656) the dead <3498> which <3588> were in <1722> it <846>; and <2532> death <2288> and <2532> hell <86> delivered up <1325> (5656) the dead <3498> which <3588> were in <1722> them <846>: and <2532> they were judged <2919> (5681) every man <1538> according to <2596> their <846> works <2041>. {hell: or, the grave}
Revelation 20:14
Kemudian Maut dan Alam Maut dihumbankan ke dalam lautan api Inilah kematian kedua iaitu kematian di lautan api
<2532> <3588> <2288> <2532> <3588> <86> <906> <1519> <3588> <3041> <3588> <4442> <3778> <3588> <2288> <3588> <1208> <1510> <3588> <3041> <3588> <4442>
AV: And <2532> death <2288> and <2532> hell <86> were cast <906> (5681) into <1519> the lake <3041> of fire <4442>. This <3778> is <2076> (5748) the second <1208> death <2288>.