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1 Corinthians 2:12
Kita tidak menerima roh dunia ini Kita menerima Roh daripada Allah agar mengetahui segala kurnia Allah kepada kita
<2249> <1161> <3756> <3588> <4151> <3588> <2889> <2983> <235> <3588> <4151> <3588> <1537> <3588> <2316> <2443> <1492> <3588> <5259> <3588> <2316> <5483> <2254>
AV: Now <1161> we <2249> have received <2983> (5627), not <3756> the spirit <4151> of the world <2889>, but <235> the spirit <4151> which <3588> is of <1537> God <2316>; that <2443> we might know <1492> (5762) the things that are freely given <5483> (5685) to us <2254> of <5259> God <2316>.