Back to #1117

Acts 21:3
Setelah kelihatan Siprus di sebelah kiri kami terus belayar ke Siria lalu turun di kota Tirus kerana kapal itu hendak memunggah muatannya di situ
<398> <1161> <3588> <2954> <2532> <2641> <846> <2176> <4126> <1519> <4947> <2532> <2718> <1519> <5184> <1566> <1063> <3588> <4143> <1510> <670> <3588> <1117>
AV: Now <1161> when we had discovered <398> (5631) Cyprus <2954>, <2532> we left <2641> (5631) it <846> on the left hand <2176>, and sailed <4126> (5707) into <1519> Syria <4947>, and <2532> landed <2609> (5648) at <1519> Tyre <5184>: for <1063> there <1566> the ship <4143> was <2258> (5713) to unlade <670> (5740) her burden <1117>.