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Acts 16:2
Timotius dipandang tinggi oleh para murid Yesus di Listra dan di Ikonium
<3739> <3140> <5259> <3588> <1722> <3082> <2532> <2430> <80>
AV: Which <3739> was well reported <3140> (5712) of by <5259> the brethren <80> that were at <1722> Lystra <3082> and <2532> Iconium <2430>.
Acts 22:12
Ada seorang bernama Ananias yang kuat beribadat menurut hukum Taurat Dia dipandang tinggi oleh orang Yahudi di Damsyik
<367> <1161> <5100> <435> <2126> <2596> <3588> <3551> <3140> <5259> <3956> <3588> <2730> <2453>
AV: And <1161> one <5100> Ananias <367>, a devout <2152> man <435> according <2596> to the law <3551>, having a good report <3140> (5746) of <5259> all <3956> the Jews <2453> which dwelt <2730> (5723) [there],