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Acts 15:32
Yudas dan Silas itu kedua-duanya nabi Mereka menasihati dan menetapkan hati saudara-saudara seiman di situ
<2455> <5037> <2532> <4609> <2532> <846> <4396> <1510> <1223> <3056> <4183> <3870> <3588> <80> <2532> <1991>
AV: And Judas <2455> and <2532> Silas <4609>, being <5607> (5752) prophets <4396> also <2532> themselves <846>, exhorted <3870> (5656) the brethren <80> with <1223> many <4183> words <3056>, and <2532> confirmed <1991> (5656) [them].
Acts 15:41
Mereka menjelajahi Siria dan Kilikia sambil menetapkan hati jemaah di situ
<1330> <1161> <3588> <4947> <2532> <3588> <2791> <1991> <3588> <1577>
AV: And <1161> he went through <1330> (5711) Syria <4947> and <2532> Cilicia <2791>, confirming <1991> (5723) the churches <1577>.