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Acts 12:23
Pada saat itu malaikat Tuhan memukul Raja Herodes kerana tidak menghormati Allah Raja Herodes pun mati dimakan ulat
<3916> <1161> <3960> <846> <32> <2962> <473> <3739> <3756> <1325> <3588> <1391> <3588> <2316> <2532> <1096> <4662> <1634>
AV: And <1161> immediately <3916> the angel <32> of the Lord <2962> smote <3960> (5656) him <846>, because <473> <3739> he gave <1325> (5656) not <3756> God <2316> the glory <1391>: and <2532> he was <1096> (5637) eaten of worms <4662>, and gave up the ghost <1634> (5656).