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Acts 11:22
Jemaah di Yerusalem mendengar hal itu lalu menyuruh Barnabas pergi ke Antiokhia
<191> <1161> <3588> <3056> <1519> <3588> <3775> <3588> <1577> <3588> <1510> <1722> <2419> <4012> <846> <2532> <1821> <921> <2193> <490>
AV: Then <1161> tidings <3056> of <4012> these things <846> came <191> (5681) unto <1519> the ears <3775> of the church <1577> which <3588> was in <1722> Jerusalem <2414>: and <2532> they sent forth <1821> (5656) Barnabas <921>, that he should go <1330> (5629) as far as <2193> Antioch <490>.
Acts 15:3
Jemaah menghantar mereka sampai ke luar kota Semasa mereka meneruskan perjalanan melalui Fenisia dan Samaria mereka memberitahu bagaimana orang bangsa asing telah percaya kepada Yesus Murid-murid Yesus di situ amat sukacita mendengarnya
<3588> <3303> <3767> <4311> <5259> <3588> <1577> <1330> <3588> <5037> <5403> <2532> <4540> <1555> <3588> <1995> <3588> <1484> <2532> <4160> <5479> <3173> <3956> <3588> <80>
AV: And <3303> <3767> being brought on their way <4311> (5685) by <5259> the church <1577>, they passed through <1330> (5711) Phenice <5403> and <2532> Samaria <4540>, declaring <1555> (5740) the conversion <1995> of the Gentiles <1484>: and <2532> they caused <4160> (5707) great <3173> joy <5479> unto all <3956> the brethren <80>.