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Acts 10:6
Dia menumpang di rumah Simon penyamak kulit di tepi laut
<3778> <3579> <3844> <5100> <4613> <1038> <3739> <1510> <3614> <3844> <2281>
AV: He <3778> lodgeth <3579> (5743) with <3844> one <5100> Simon <4613> a tanner <1038>, whose <3739> house <3614> is <2076> (5748) by <3844> the sea side <2281>: he <3778> shall tell <2980> (5692) thee <4671> what <5101> thou <4571> oughtest <1163> (5748) to do <4160> (5721).
Acts 10:18
Lalu mereka berseru bertanya sama ada Simon bergelar Petrus ada menumpang di situ
<2532> <5455> <4441> <1487> <4613> <3588> <1941> <4074> <1759> <3579>
AV: And <2532> called <5455> (5660), and asked <4441> (5711) whether <1487> Simon <4613>, which <3588> was surnamed <1941> (5746) Peter <4074>, were lodged <3579> (5743) there <1759>.
Acts 10:23
Petrus mengajak ketiga-tiga orang itu masuk dan menumpang bermalam di rumah itu Esoknya dia bangun lalu pergi bersama mereka beberapa orang saudara seiman di Yope turut serta
<1528> <3767> <846> <3579> <3588> <1161> <1887> <450> <1831> <4862> <846> <2532> <5100> <3588> <80> <3588> <575> <2445> <4905> <846>
AV: Then <3767> called he <1528> (0) them <846> in <1528> (5662), and lodged <3579> (5656) [them]. And <1161> on the morrow <1887> Peter <4074> went away <1831> (5627) with <4862> them <846>, and <2532> certain <5100> brethren <80> from <575> Joppa <2445> accompanied <4905> (5627) him <846>.
Acts 10:32
Suruhlah orang pergi ke Yope memanggil seorang bernama Simon bergelar Petrus Dia menumpang di rumah Simon penyamak kulit di tepi laut
<3992> <3767> <1519> <2445> <2532> <3333> <4613> <3739> <1941> <4074> <3778> <3579> <1722> <3614> <4613> <1038> <3844> <2281>
AV: Send <3992> (5657) therefore <3767> to <1519> Joppa <2445>, and <2532> call hither <3333> (5669) Simon <4613>, whose <3739> surname is <1941> (5743) Peter <4074>; he <3778> is lodged <3579> (5743) in <1722> the house <3614> of [one] Simon <4613> a tanner <1038> by <3844> the sea side <2281>: who <3739>, when he cometh <3854> (5637), shall speak <2980> (5692) unto thee <4671>.
Acts 21:16
Beberapa orang murid Yesus dari Kaisarea menyertai kami lalu membawa kami berjumpa Menason orang Siprus yang sudah lama percaya akan Yesus di rumahnyalah kami menumpang
<4905> <1161> <2532> <3588> <3101> <575> <2542> <4862> <2254> <71> <3844> <3739> <3579> <3416> <5100> <2953> <744> <3101>
AV: <1161> There went <4905> (5627) with <4862> us <2254> also <2532> [certain] of the disciples <3101> of <575> Caesarea <2542>, and brought <71> (5723) with them <3844> one <5100> Mnason <3416> of Cyprus <2953>, an old <744> disciple <3101>, with whom <3739> we should lodge <3579> (5686).