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Acts 9:36
Di Yope ada seorang murid perempuan bernama Tabita dalam bahasa Yunani disebut Dorkas dia sentiasa membuat kebajikan dan memberi sedekah
<1722> <2445> <1161> <5100> <1510> <3102> <3686> <5000> <3739> <1329> <3004> <1393> <846> <1510> <4134> <2041> <18> <2532> <1654> <3739> <4160>
AV: Now <1161> there was <2258> (5713) at <1722> Joppa <2445> a certain <5100> disciple <3102> named <3686> Tabitha <5000>, which <3739> by interpretation <1329> (5746) is called <3004> (5743) Dorcas <1393>: this woman <3778> (5625) <846> was <2258> (5713) full <4134> of good <18> works <2041> and <2532> almsdeeds <1654> which <3739> she did <4160> (5707). {Dorcas: or, Doe, or, Roe}