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Acts 9:27
Barnabas membawa Saul ke hadapan para rasul dan menceritakan bagaimana dia telah melihat Tuhan ketika dalam perjalanan kata-kata Tuhan kepadanya dan keberanian Saul menyebarkan nama Yesus di Damsyik
<921> <1161> <1949> <846> <71> <4314> <3588> <652> <2532> <1334> <846> <4459> <1722> <3588> <3598> <1492> <3588> <2962> <2532> <3754> <2980> <846> <2532> <4459> <1722> <1154> <3955> <1722> <3588> <3686> <2424>
AV: But <1161> Barnabas <921> took <1949> (5637) him <846>, and brought <71> (5627) [him] to <4314> the apostles <652>, and <2532> declared <1334> (5662) unto them <846> how <4459> he had seen <1492> (5627) the Lord <2962> in <1722> the way <3598>, and <2532> that <3754> he had spoken <2980> (5656) to him <846>, and <2532> how <4459> he had preached boldly <3955> (5662) at <1722> Damascus <1154> in <1722> the name <3686> of Jesus <2424>.