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Acts 8:29
Roh Kudus berkata kepada Filipus Pergi dekati rata itu
<2036> <1161> <3588> <4151> <3588> <5376> <4334> <2532> <2853> <3588> <716> <5129>
AV: Then <1161> the Spirit <4151> said <2036> (5627) unto Philip <5376>, Go near <4334> (5628), and <2532> join thyself to <2853> (5682) this <5129> chariot <716>.
Acts 8:38
Lalu dia mengarahkan rata itu dihentikan Dia bersama Filipus turun ke dalam air lalu Filipus membaptisnya
<2532> <2753> <2476> <3588> <716> <2532> <2597> <297> <1519> <3588> <5204> <3588> <5037> <5376> <2532> <3588> <2135> <2532> <907> <846>
AV: And <2532> he commanded <2753> (5656) the chariot <716> to stand still <2476> (5629): and <2532> they went down <2597> (5627) both <297> into <1519> the water <5204>, both <5037> Philip <5376> and <2532> the eunuch <2135>; and <2532> he baptized <907> (5656) him <846>.