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Acts 7:26
Esoknya dia terlihat pula dua orang Israel sedang bergaduh lalu cuba mendamaikan mereka katanya Kamu bersaudara Mengapa kamu saling menganiaya
<3588> <5037> <1966> <2250> <3708> <846> <3164> <2532> <4900> <846> <1519> <1515> <3004> <435> <80> <1510> <2444> <91> <240>
AV: And <5037> the next <1966> (5752) day <2250> he shewed himself <3700> (5681) unto them <846> as they strove <3164> (5736), and <2532> would have set <4900> (5656) them <846> at <1519> one again <1515>, saying <2036> (5631), Sirs <435>, ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) brethren <80>; why <2444> do ye wrong <91> (5719) one to another <240>?
Acts 20:15
Kami belayar dari sana Esoknya kami bertentangan dengan Pulau Khios lusanya kami singgah di Samos dan tulatnya kami sampai di Miletus
<2547> <636> <3588> <1966> <2658> <481> <5508> <3588> <1161> <2087> <3846> <1519> <4544> <3588> <1161> <2192> <2064> <1519> <3399>
AV: And <2547> (0) we sailed <636> (5660) thence <2547>, and came <2658> (5656) the next <1966> (5752) [day] over against <481> Chios <5508>; and <1161> the next <2087> [day] we arrived <3846> (5627) at <1519> Samos <4544>, and <2532> tarried <3306> (5660) at <1722> Trogyllium <5175>; and the next <2192> (5746) [day] we came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Miletus <3399>.