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Acts 7:12
Apabila Yakub mendengar bahawa di Mesir ada gandum dia menyuruh anak-anaknya nenek moyang kita pergi ke situ bagi kali pertama
<191> <1161> <2384> <1510> <4621> <1519> <125> <1821> <3588> <3962> <2257> <4412>
AV: But <1161> when Jacob <2384> heard <191> (5660) that there was <5607> (5752) corn <4621> in <1722> Egypt <125>, he sent out <1821> (5656) our <2257> fathers <3962> first <4412>.
Acts 17:14
Para murid Yesus di Beria segera menyuruh hantar Paulus ke pantai manakala Silas dan Timotius masih di Beria
<2112> <1161> <5119> <3588> <3972> <1821> <3588> <80> <4198> <2193> <1909> <3588> <2281> <5278> <5037> <3588> <5037> <4609> <2532> <3588> <5095> <1563>
AV: And <1161> then <5119> immediately <2112> the brethren <80> sent away <1821> (5656) Paul <3972> to go <4198> (5738) as it were <5613> to <1909> the sea <2281>: but <1161> <5037> Silas <4609> and <2532> Timotheus <5095> abode <5278> (0) there <1563> still <5278> (5707).