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Acts 5:16
Ramai pula orang dari kota-kota sekeliling Yerusalem datang berhimpun membawa orang yang sakit dan yang dirasuk roh-roh jahat lalu semuanya disembuhkan
<4905> <1161> <2532> <3588> <4128> <3588> <4038> <4172> <2419> <5342> <772> <2532> <3791> <5259> <4151> <169> <3748> <2323> <537>
AV: <1161> There came <4905> (5711) also <2532> a multitude <4128> [out] of the cities <4172> round about <4038> unto <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, bringing <5342> (5723) sick <772> folks, and <2532> them which were vexed <3791> (5746) with <5259> unclean <169> spirits <4151>: and they <3748> were healed <2323> (5712) every one <537>.