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Acts 3:21
Kristus mesti tetap di syurga sampai masa Allah memulihkan segala-galanya seperti yang difirmankan-Nya dahulukala melalui lidah nabi-nabi-Nya yang suci
<3739> <1163> <3772> <3303> <1209> <891> <5550> <605> <3956> <3739> <2980> <3588> <2316> <1223> <4750> <3588> <40> <575> <165> <846> <4396>
AV: Whom <3739> the heaven <3772> <3303> must <1163> (5748) receive <1209> (5664) until <891> the times <5550> of restitution <605> of all things <3956>, which <3739> God <2316> hath spoken <2980> (5656) by <1223> the mouth <4750> of all <3956> his <846> holy <40> prophets <4396> since <575> the world began <165>.