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Acts 2:10
Frigia dan Pamfilia Mesir dan kawasan-kawasan Libya yang bersempadan dengan Kirene pengunjung dari Roma
<5435> <5037> <2532> <3828> <125> <2532> <3588> <3313> <3588> <3033> <3588> <2596> <2957> <2532> <3588> <1927> <4514> <2453> <5037> <2532> <4339>
AV: <5037> Phrygia <5435>, and <5037> <2532> Pamphylia <3828>, in Egypt <125>, and <2532> in the parts <3313> of Libya <3033> about <2596> Cyrene <2957>, and <2532> strangers <1927> (5723) of Rome <4514>, <5037> Jews <2453> and <5037> <2532> proselytes <4339>,
Acts 16:6
Mereka menjelajahi pula Frigia dan Galatia kerana Roh Kudus melarang mereka menyampaikan firman di Asia
<1330> <1161> <3588> <5435> <2532> <1054> <5561> <2967> <5259> <3588> <40> <4151> <2980> <3588> <3056> <1722> <3588> <773>
AV: Now <1161> when they had gone throughout <1330> (5631) Phrygia <5435> and <2532> the region <5561> of Galatia <1054>, and were forbidden <2967> (5685) of <5259> the Holy <40> Ghost <4151> to preach <2980> (5658) the word <3056> in <1722> Asia <773>,
Acts 18:23
Di sana dia tinggal beberapa lama kemudian berangkat melawat seluruh daerah Galatia dan Frigia serta mengukuhkan iman para murid Yesus di situ
<2532> <4160> <5550> <5100> <1831> <1330> <2517> <3588> <1054> <5561> <2532> <5435> <4741> <3956> <3588> <3101>
AV: And <2532> after he had spent <4160> (5660) some <5100> time <5550> [there], he departed <1831> (5627), and went over <1330> (5740) [all] the country <5561> of Galatia <1054> and <2532> Phrygia <5435> in order <2517>, strengthening <1991> (5723) all <3956> the disciples <3101>.