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John 18:22
Seorang pegawai di situ menampar Yesus sambil berkata Begitukah Kamu bercakap kepada seorang imam besar
<5023> <1161> <846> <2036> <1520> <3936> <3588> <5257> <1325> <4475> <3588> <2424> <2036> <3779> <611> <3588> <749>
AV: And <1161> when he <846> had <2036> (0) thus <5023> spoken <2036> (5631), one <1520> of the officers <5257> which stood by <3936> (5761) struck <1325> (0) <4475> (0) Jesus <2424> with the palm of his hand <1325> (5656) <4475>, saying <2036> (5631), Answerest thou <611> (5736) the high priest <749> so <3779>? {with...: or, with a rod}