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John 12:13
Mereka mengambil dahan-dahan pokok palma lalu pergi mengalu-alukan Yesus sambil berseru Hosana Diberkatilah Dia yang datang dengan nama Tuhan Raja Israel
<2983> <3588> <902> <3588> <5404> <2532> <1831> <1519> <5222> <846> <2532> <2905> <5614> <2127> <3588> <2064> <1722> <3686> <2962> <2532> <3588> <935> <3588> <2474>
AV: Took <2983> (5627) branches <902> of palm trees <5404>, and <2532> went forth <1831> (5627) to <1519> meet <5222> him <846>, and <2532> cried <2896> (5707), Hosanna <5614>: Blessed <2127> (5772) [is] the King <935> of Israel <2474> that cometh <2064> (5740) in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>.