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John 11:57
Ketua imam dan orang Farisi telah mengeluarkan perintah bahawa sesiapa yang tahu di mana Yesus berada mesti melaporkannya supaya Dia dapat ditangkap
<1325> <1161> <3588> <749> <2532> <3588> <5330> <1785> <2443> <1437> <5100> <1097> <4226> <1510> <3377> <3704> <4084> <846>
AV: Now <1161> both <2532> the chief priests <749> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> had given <1325> (5715) a commandment <1785>, that <2443>, if <1437> any man <5100> knew <1097> (5632) where <4226> he were <2076> (5748), he should shew <3377> (5661) [it], that <3704> they might take <4084> (5661) him <846>.
John 12:10
Ketua imam merancang hendak membunuh Lazarus juga
<1011> <1161> <3588> <749> <2443> <2532> <3588> <2976> <615>
AV: But <1161> the chief priests <749> consulted <1011> (5662) that <2443> they might put <615> (0) Lazarus <2976> also <2532> to death <615> (5725);