Back to #3954

John 11:54
Yesus tidak lagi pergi ke sana ke mari secara terbuka di antara orang Yahudi Dia beredar ke daerah bernama Efraim dekat gurun dan menetap di sana bersama murid-murid-Nya
<3588> <3767> <2424> <3765> <3954> <4043> <1722> <3588> <2453> <235> <565> <1564> <1519> <3588> <5561> <1451> <3588> <2048> <1519> <2187> <3004> <4172> <2546> <3306> <3326> <3588> <3101>
AV: Jesus <2424> therefore <3767> walked <4043> (5707) no more <3765> openly <3954> among <1722> the Jews <2453>; but <235> went <565> (5627) thence <1564> unto <1519> a country <5561> near <1451> to the wilderness <2048>, into <1519> a city <4172> called <3004> (5746) Ephraim <2187>, and there <2546> continued <1304> (5707) with <3326> his <846> disciples <3101>.