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John 7:44
Beberapa orang ingin menangkap-Nya namun tiada siapa pun memegang-Nya
<5100> <1161> <2309> <1537> <846> <4084> <846> <235> <3762> <906> <1909> <846> <3588> <5495>
AV: And <1161> some <5100> of <1537> them <846> would <2309> (5707) have taken <4084> (5658) him <846>; but <235> no man <3762> laid <1911> (5627) hands <5495> on <1909> him <846>.
John 8:20
Yesus mengatakan segala ini di perbendaharaan ketika mengajar di Bait Suci Tetapi tiada seorang pun menangkap-Nya kerana saat-Nya belum sampai
<5023> <3588> <4487> <2980> <1722> <3588> <1049> <1321> <1722> <3588> <2411> <2532> <3762> <4084> <846> <3754> <3768> <2064> <3588> <5610> <846>
AV: These <5023> words <4487> spake <2980> (5656) Jesus <2424> in <1722> the treasury <1049>, as he taught <1321> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>: and <2532> no man <3762> laid hands <4084> (5656) on him <846>; for <3754> his <846> hour <5610> was <2064> (0) not yet <3768> come <2064> (5715).