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Luke 6:29
Jika orang menampar sebelah pipimu biarlah dia menampar sebelah lagi jika ada orang mengambil jubah kamu biarkan dia ambil bajumu juga
<3588> <5180> <4571> <1909> <3588> <4600> <3930> <2532> <3588> <243> <2532> <575> <3588> <142> <4675> <3588> <2440> <2532> <3588> <5509> <3361> <2967>
AV: And unto him that smiteth <5180> (5723) thee <4571> on <1909> the [one] cheek <4600> offer <3930> (5720) also <2532> the other <243>; and <2532> him <575> that taketh away <142> (5723) thy <4675> cloke <2440> forbid <2967> (5661) not <3361> [to take thy] coat <5509> also <2532>.