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Luke 6:4
bagaimana dia masuk ke dalam Rumah Allah lalu makan roti persembahan serta memberikan roti itu kepada mereka yang mengikutinya meskipun perbuatan itu dilarang kerana hanya imam dibenarkan makan roti itu
<5613> <1525> <1519> <3588> <3624> <3588> <2316> <2532> <3588> <740> <3588> <4286> <2983> <5315> <2532> <1325> <3588> <3326> <846> <3739> <3756> <1832> <5315> <1487> <3361> <3441> <3588> <2409>
AV: How <5613> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316>, and <2532> did take <2983> (5627) and <2532> eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <740> <4286>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them that were with <3326> him <846>; which <3739> it is <1832> (0) not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the priests <2409> alone <3441>?