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Luke 4:20
Yesus menutup kitab itu dan memulangkannya kepada petugas lalu duduk Mata semua orang di dalam saumaah itu tertumpu kepada-Nya
<2532> <4428> <3588> <975> <591> <3588> <5257> <2523> <2532> <3956> <3588> <3788> <1722> <3588> <4864> <1510> <816> <846>
AV: And <2532> he closed <4428> (5660) the book <975>, and he gave [it] again <591> (5631) to the minister <5257>, and sat down <2523> (5656). And <2532> the eyes <3788> of all them <3956> that were <2258> (5713) in <1722> the synagogue <4864> were fastened <816> (5723) on him <846>.