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Luke 3:24
anak Matat anak Lewi anak Malkhi anak Yanai anak Yusuf
<3588> <3158> <3588> <3017> <3588> <3197> <3588> <2388> <3588> <2501>
AV: Which was [the son] of Matthat <3158>, which was [the son] of Levi <3017>, which was [the son] of Melchi <3197>, which was [the son] of Janna <2388>, which was [the son] of Joseph <2501>,
Luke 3:29
anak Yesua anak Eliezer anak Yorim anak Matat anak Lewi
<3588> <2424> <3588> <1663> <3588> <2497> <3588> <3158> <3588> <3017>
AV: Which was [the son] of Jose <2499>, which was [the son] of Eliezer <1663>, which was [the son] of Jorim <2497>, which was [the son] of Matthat <3158>, which was [the son] of Levi <3017>,
Hebrews 7:5
Keturunan Lewi yang menerima jawatan imam dikehendaki memungut sepersepuluh hasil daripada kaum itu menurut hukum Taurat iaitu daripada saudara-saudara mereka walaupun daripada benih Abraham
<2532> <3588> <3303> <1537> <3588> <5207> <3017> <3588> <2405> <2983> <1785> <2192> <586> <3588> <2992> <2596> <3588> <3551> <5124> <1510> <3588> <80> <846> <2539> <1831> <1537> <3588> <3751> <11>
AV: And <2532> verily <3303> they that are of <1537> the sons <5207> of Levi <3017>, who <3588> receive <2983> (5723) the office of the priesthood <2405>, have <2192> (5719) a commandment <1785> to take tithes <586> (5721) of the people <2992> according to <2596> the law <3551>, that is <5123> (5748), of their <846> brethren <80>, though <2539> they come <1831> (5761) out of <1537> the loins <3751> of Abraham <11>:
Revelation 7:7
daripada suku Simeon dua belas ribu daripada suku Lewi dua belas ribu daripada suku Isakhar dua belas ribu
<1537> <5443> <4826> <1427> <5505> <1537> <5443> <3017> <1427> <5505> <1537> <5443> <2466> <1427> <5505>
AV: Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Simeon <4826> [were] sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Levi <3017> [were] sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Issachar <2466> [were] sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.