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Luke 1:30
Seterusnya malaikat itu berkata kepadanya Janganlah takut hai Maria kerana engkau telah diredai Allah
<2532> <2036> <3588> <32> <846> <3361> <5399> <3137> <2147> <1063> <5485> <3844> <3588> <2316>
AV: And <2532> the angel <32> said <2036> (5627) unto her <846>, Fear <5399> (5732) (5737) not <3361>, Mary <3137>: for <1063> thou hast found <2147> (5627) favour <5485> with <3844> God <2316>.
Luke 2:52
Yesus semakin membesar dan bijaksana Dia diredai Allah dan manusia
<2532> <2424> <4298> <3588> <4678> <2532> <2244> <2532> <5485> <3844> <2316> <2532> <444>
AV: And <2532> Jesus <2424> increased <4298> (5707) in wisdom <4678> and <2532> stature <2244>, and <2532> in favour <5485> with <3844> God <2316> and <2532> man <444>. {stature: or, age}